Best Way to
Recover Debt
in South Korea

From non-legal actions to litigation, K-DebtCollect offers safe and promising ways to recover your bad debt from Korean counterparties.


Reliable and proficient legal support

Our law firm is headed by Hyunseo Lim, a lawyer who possesses extensive knowledge and experience in resolving disputes across borders and recovering debts. We guarantee reliable and efficient legal assistance to all of our clients.

8+ Years of Experience and Success Stories:
USD $10 Million+ Debt Recovered

us a flag on pole
us a flag on pole

A construction company pursued litigation to recover $165,200 in outstanding payments. By presenting compelling evidence, they obtained a judgment in their favor, prompting the debtor to promptly settle the debt.

a close up of the flag of japan
a close up of the flag of japan

A manufacturing company engaged in litigation to collect $250,000 in owed payments. Through strategic legal actions, they successfully proved their case, compelling the debtor to pay the outstanding amount.

a close up of a red and white flag
a close up of a red and white flag

An eCommerce platform initiated legal proceedings to collect $110,700 in owed commissions. Through legal action, they compelled non-compliant sellers to settle the outstanding commissions, ensuring fair compensation for their services.

a close up of the flag of china
a close up of the flag of china

A service provider pursued litigation to recover $150,000 in outstanding fees. By highlighting contractual obligations and presenting a strong legal case, they obtained a favorable judgment, resulting in the payment of the owed fees.

Free Credit Investigation
& Consultation!

If you provide us with your debt details, we can conduct a free credit inquiry, a service that sets our law office apart from many others.
